Tuesday, February 12, 2008

where bright lights and angels meet

feels so good being altruistic. i guess i'm going into the right profession after all.

i can't explain it; we were possibly moved by all the hard work that the malaysia night crew was putting in day after consecutive day, going for multiple rehearsals each day, especially the 3 main characters. so we decided to cook them dinner on a whim. t'was one of the best dinners this term - chicken was already marinating in the fridge for the past 5 hours, we had just the right number of noodle packets for 5, mushrooms and onions completed the taste, which if i say so myself could be classed as gastronomical heaven. add to the fold pizza, spring rolls and cartons of juice and you have the perfect meal, complete with that good ole fuzzy feeling of doing something nice out of the goodness of your heart. :)

couldn't hurt that the company was fantastic, so much so that out altruism even extended to offering them our sacred b&js!

i feel so happy.

today's another cumsa day. photoshoot for the ball and figuring out karaoke to come.. something to look forward to? bring it on!

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