Saturday, May 31, 2008



Thursday, May 29, 2008

there's beauty in the breakdown..

it's funny how i started blogging again during my exams .

ok i forgot the point of the post already - got distracted by:
1. new dresses on
2. blog surfing
3. chatting to people i've not spoken to in agesssss
4. hunger
5. crossing out 2 more papers on my exam slip and finally TURNING TO PAGE 2.

but i vaguely recall wanted to say that I HAVE JUST WRITTEN THE LAST ESSAY OF YEAR 2 MEDICINE! alrightt.

dinner time and one tree hill.. i deserve this break.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

true or false it may be//

just don't let me down

the killer paper is gone. finished. a thing of the past.
and oh how happy that makes me right now :)
happy enough to comtemplate taking a self-imposed break and watching some online tv.

ok no. self-discipline reigns.

to all the concerned people out there, i am proud to report that i'm still alive and kicking. the bruises that this captive of an examination accumulates increases by the day, no thanks to the insane amount of coffee i'm drinking every day. i wonder if i'll be so dependent by the time this exam ends to have withdrawal symptoms.

only a few days left till...

Monday, May 26, 2008

and here it comes..


the one week where all i will be doing is staring at pieces of paper, attempting to internalize bits of random information that made no sense to me whatsoever at the beginning of the year. then, i was amazed at the amount of info they expected us to understand and retain for the exams. now, i feel exactly the same way, except with additional silent curses that go along with the initial amazement.

i have completed 3 papers. out of 13.
one more paper and the number of papers left will be down to one digit.
tmr i go crazy and will do 3 papers in one day.
then i'll have 7 left.

the biggest joke of it all is that some people only have 4 papers to sit for. and they complain.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

songs to love and die by

"have you ever wondered what marks our time here
if one life can make an impact in the world
or if the choices that we make matter
i believe they do
and that one man can change many lives
for better or worse"

do you take the non-believer
cos i'm a non-believer
and i'm not the only one