Friday, April 25, 2008


that is absolutely the best birthday surprise in my entire life!

the video was so touching i cried.
i'm so glad you all are here to spend it with me. i'm just so thankful to have friends like you all. sometimes i wonder how i get so lucky. cambridge would be so different without each and every one of you.

AND thank you too! everyone back home!! the video from one of the saturday night gatherings (starring uncle 2's tummy) was the best :) thanks mum, dad, pers, k2, t2, k4, t4, amanda, mei, di, dan, aunty minda! i love you all.
and my dear friends from home... you guys were there for me since the beginning! i can't thank you guys enough. it's been an amazing, crazy 21 years and it's all the more special cos you guys are here to spend it with me. looking forward to the rest of our lives together... the videos were amazing, made me think of you guys a lot. i miss everyone so.. can't wait to go home and have a proper celebration!

especially you nic.
i can't believe how much effort you put into coordinating everything, from a whole MONTH back. my god you rock! all the secrets painfully kept, all the times white lies you have to make up, all the massive messenging sprees, i don't know how you did it, but you managed to get everyone that was important in my life in that 23 minute video - no matter where they were geographically or whether you knew them at all. i've already thanked you a zillion times and you know how much i love you. <3 to more good years ahead love! :)

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