Sunday, August 13, 2006

nus rag day yest. a day full of shoving and elbowing to get the best spot to catch the performances... which were quite amazing for 2 weeks of preperation. especially those hall floats! they can actually MOVE, emit steam, turn, what not.. and oh my, were they elaborate!!

and here are my wonderful friends who danced/built floats:

... well it seems as though blogger doesn't wanna upload photos today... so another time then.

ahh i finallly got to see my dear little lilian! after so many days of her being abducted into hall dance and getting her sleep cycle all screwed up. gosh she didn't even sleep the night before rag day cos of full-dress rehearsal! haven't they ever heard of the advantages of having a well-rested team for the real event?

after rag day there was the formality of the cambridge tea party, where we were supposed to be meeting with fellow freshers and seniors. well, that went well enough, better than expected actually. cos i finally found someone who is confirmed going to be the ONLY other singaporean in my batch at pembroke! whoopiedoop! the seniors were nice, i got recruited into all the sports events, drank lots of something that tasted like bandung without milk, and learnt that there will be tv rooms where i'll get my weekly dose of EPL! :) this seems promising. the only bad thing is that the food at my college is relatively ex for the quality served. welll. thankfully i am bringing my ever-trusty ready-mixed pastes!!! hainanese chicken rice, bak kut teh, soups of all kind, sweet sour pork/chicken! hahha. i'm all set!

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