Wednesday, March 22, 2006

my stupid new phone refused to accept the songs i've been trying so hard to transfer. damn it. i hate it when technology gets the better of me. which happens an amazingly high number of times. i so happen not to have a love-love relationship with technology. yes, HERE I AM, TECHNO-KLUTZ! :(

and it's the pretty new v3i too! even more depressing how it's refusing to cooperate.

i'm getting tired of my life right now. there's absolutely nothing to look forward to from day to day. so this is how working pple feel. neglected. i hate it when nobody calls me. i hate it when all my conversations in a day are solely cordial polite obligations. i hate it when nothing seems to interest me during the course of the day. it really drains you, feeling as though the day just slept by and you're helpless. i'm tired.

haven't blogged for awhile cos i have nothing to blog about. nothing interesting has happened other than more scholarship interviews. not worth mentioning.

i wonder if anyone actually reads this.

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