Monday, April 09, 2007

easter hols...

it's been a week since i returned from my european adventure as so many of my facebook friends have been calling it... and what have i done you may ask? other than suffering from chronic facebookitis due to the never-ending influx of picture-albums and wall-posts, i've been slogging over the outlines for my hk english lessons, albeit catalyzed by one abrupt email from the director of my hk camp yesterday. haha. poor george, to have such a member on his team. i've missed his first 2 deadlines, and will probably miss the rest. just can't be bothered. i'll do things at my own pace. hehe. if our roles were switched, he'd probably have no end of my grumbling and ribbing.

yesss, but now i have the framework to come up with the worksheets and detailed minute-by-minute plans. haha, but that just means more time diverted from actual revision. :S

on a brighter note, tennis has become my new favourite sport! especially since the weather's been fantastic... i'll finally get a tan and not look so pasty white. played yest, playing again tmr morning. (which means i have to go sleep soon in order to get my average 5 hours of sleep a day) i still have that urge to play squash though, relive those memories, run my body through the whole routine of running up and down the court trying to hit the ball off the back wall... and being the initiative self of late, a squash date has already been arranged! wooo :) i'm going to get real fit by the time easter term comes.

other noteworthy news: i've finally touched the piano again after so long! moonlight sonata by beethoven being the culprit. and i'm living off The Killers now. their playlist has been on for about the fifteenth time today on my player. Pers, if u're reading this, go listen to When You Were Young by The Killers. its awesomeee! :)

alright. sleeeeep.

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