Thursday, March 08, 2007

in the sun...

it's nice and warm. and it's a good idea to have lunch there with a group of friends too! yay the weather's finally starting to look good, i'm thinking of whether i should continue rowing just cos of the fantastic weather.

sports informal -
saturday should be interesting. i want to beat the guys at netball! and i can't wait for the chicken rice too :)

ok. back to work. msoc and isbm exam at the end of next week. :S have to start cramming. it's GP all over again!!


Unknown said...

dad & mum r testing out posting comment to see it works fm home computer. we see that u r still active in sports & juggling with yr tight study schedule. hope u can manage well.

molihua said...

yea it works! and i hope i'm managing well too! :) exam next week for medical sociology and isbm. :(

Unknown said...

all the best! please put all other activities aside for the time being yeah. mummy