Saturday, December 02, 2006


after fairbairns, as if we were not tired out yet, we had the white christmas bop! ahh went as an angel, what else?
the nose wasn't part of the costume.. i stole it off snowman elgon. and lost it after in the process. haha! the bop was amazingly fun! pembroke doesn't do many bops and when they do, everyoneeee is there! so took tons of pictures as usual, but they're so difficult to upload! use your imagination...

cheese music the whole night. just like cindies. but i somehow liked music at cindies a bit better. uh oh, i'm becoming cheeeeesy.

after-party at V as per normal.. we managed to find some decent songs in luke's computer other than his customary trance. ooh speaking about music, dave just transferred some 'brit' indie punk into my computer woop! they're nice actually! i don't know how i always doubted british music, but not any more. 8 weeks has shaped my musical taste. i'm easily influenced.

it was kinda sad that we had a freaking lectureeee the next morning/yesterday at addenbrooke's. had to drag myself out of bed in time to catch the bus. then start to PACKKKK! omg i should be still packing now but i can't bring myself to do it. it's soooooo much! :( owell, after this post then!

last night had PCBC DINNER! boat club dinners are always notorious for crazy speeches and heavy drinking and good food, but don't worry i din drink much. everyone was on a high cos it's kind of the mark of the end of term for all the boaties!

the women's second boaties who were there. some of them actually skipped it to go to red ribbon ball! HAH. they don't know what they missed. there we go from left to right:

livy my lovely bow pair partner! we rock! we're always getting compliments from coaches: good backs bow pair! wonderful!

helen and cat 3 and 4! confidence rowingg.. ahhh i miss rowing already. it's great fun!

jon our wonderful cox who had a bit too much to drink yest haha. he has the most hilarious calls: drawwwwwww onee! drawwwwwww twoooooo! and smile for the camera!! lol.

rosie: our perfect stroke. rhythm setter! she's practically in control of the whole boat cos we follow her set rhythm to row.

i'm so so glad i picked up rowing this term! i've made wonderful friends and had such a good time culminating in the dinner. the speeches were touching, funny and we plied maggie and ellie, our LBCs, with tons of chocolate and wine. as well as giving jon a huge bottle of red wine. company at the dinner table was also enjoyable. it was a tradition to write in one another's menus throughout dinner so there was this major conveyor belt of menus going round. i can't even remember how many i'd written in, but it was quite a lottt considering there were 3 full tables in the hall!

there we are: the two medic rowers, rich and me, and hannah who was dragged into the picture cos she was standing outside the hall at that time. :) i'll miss them all! i'm already feeling the withdrawal symptoms.

as usual, all the boaties crashed the dean's christmas party in the old library after, singing carols and getting sweets thrown at them by santa in jeans. hilarious!

i had my last van outing last night and picked up some sausages and fries... i think i might grow fattt at the rate i'm having midnight snacks. not good. already put on 5 kg, but i think the scale is screwed up cos we were not allowed to take off our shoes for some reason, and i reckon it's all muscle mass anyway, which would be alright i guess. hehheh, alan was singing all the way back, just random songs wayyyy out of tune. it was a sight, four of us singing in the streets in different levels of dressing: alan and me in black tie, dave and max in cvs. :)

okkk that's long enough. i really should get packing soon or i won't make my flight, or my bus for that matter.

goodbye cambridge (for awhile) hello singapore and bright sunlight and heat! and most importantly, fooooooood! i'm having conflicting feelings, looking forward to going home, yet i don't wanna leave here, especially after the last wonderful week...

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