Monday, April 16, 2007

what's keeping me going...

i've been listening to music all day, everyday. basically whenever my computer's on, there's music in my room. this holiday i've found some amazing bands which i'm quite surprised i haven't uncovered before. all this lazyness is not good, especially when it comes to collecting good music.

today is muse day. (and kidney day, but i shall not spoil my mood further talking about work). muse takes some getting used to, but i've reached the point where all the songs seem confortably right. :) it's my ever-reliable work buddy, accompanying me through the night and into the morning...

our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out

now that you know I'm trapped
sense of elation
you'll never dream of breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me

and that is what tripos is all about...


Shawn Tan said...

no idea who you are, but good luck for tripos anyway.. from your blog, i'm guessing that you're a 1st yr medic..

molihua said...

yea i am! and thanks! :) u in cam too?