boy oh boy. i'm 20 already. all the jibes about being old has already started. check out the facebook message i received yest:
Dear Ms Ho Hui Ying Jasmine,
Allow me to warmly congratulate you for having been granted membership to the Club of 20-year-old Fogeys. I sincerely apologise if you have been kept waiting for more than 19 years just to join this exclusive club, but unfortunately our officers do take a while to decide if you have the maturity, the intelligence, and the character to handle the responsilities expected of a young adult. And I am very happy to inform you that they have all unanimously agreed that you are far and above one of the best qualified candidates by far.
As a member of the Club of 20-year-old Fogeys, one of the biggest previleges of such an exclusive club membership would be the fact that you are now only one step away from the most esteemed position of Old Fogey, the official title for adulthood. As a 20-year-old Fogey, you are basically an Old Fogey in training and will receive more or less the same priveileges as they do, only with more strings attached - all part of the learning process. For more details, please visit the School of Life website at and sign up for some of their talks and classes, like Grey Areas 101 and Tough Choices 06 to 10. You will find them very informative and useful in your bid to be an Old Fogey.
Please do reply if you are willing to accept this prestigious membership (even though there isn't any reason not to) asap so that we can aid you in your training process. And once again, congratulations on being such a well-rounded and qualified individual. I hope that we will have many long and fruitful days together working on your development.
haha, well then a recap of yest in true bridget-jones style:
no. of birthday surprises: 4
no. of midnight surprises: 2 (one singapore time, one uk time)no. of birthday songs sung: 3
no. of chocolate cakes: 2
no. of chocolate cake slices left: 4 (i just couldn't eat any more..)
no. of candles: 24 (i'm afraid my friends can't count very well)

no. of espresso makers: 1
no. of assorted cookie mixes: 3
no. of birthday cards: 4
no. of football match tickets! : 1 (oh yessss!)
no. of chocolate stains on my carpet: 4
no. of random people wishing me happy birthday: 5
no. of birthday wishes on facebook: 72

no. of main courses i had at dinner: 1.5
no. of wine glasses downed: 2 (poor show...)

thank you guys.. yest was one of the best. :)
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