- sunday 15: met up with peishan that silly little girl who's still as enthu about orientation and oteam as ever! it's already been 2 weeks and she's still retained all that hyperness. haha heard lots of funny antics and all that was happening back at rjc. sigh i miss school! :( was supposed to meet her friends after but i had to go for dinner with my parents.
- monday 16: today was shopping for winter clothing day. followed daddy and mummy to some ulu shop at some weird factory place to try out some winter wear. i think i look horrid in hats! scarves are ok! haha. saw a beautiful sweater and was super reluctant to put it back onto the shelf cos i have too many already. and i finally found the black stockings!! yes it comes with the sock too! it's kinda like a leotard bottom, quite cool and very warm! hahaha i just realised how contradictory the previous sentence sounded. then accompanied pers to buy his office wear for his formal presentation. that silly boy is more fussy than i am! i guess it runs in the genes. haha. spent almost 3 hours shopping for him, and throuhgout i tried getting daddy to try on several leather jackets and scarves. hahah.. he actually looked quite smart!
- tuesday 17: went to lilian's house to help her clear out her closet. well knowing us, all we did was sit down in front of the tv and watch fifty first dates with her aunty! our will-power is nonexistant haha. we went to play badminton with pers after that at the changi beach club with k2 and t2. worked out at the gym too! it was our first time really exercising since our last pe lesson, which was, horror of horror, almost half a year ago! whoa, i am totally unfit! now i'm still aching from all the sit-ups and dunno what else i was doing. looks like i need more exercise. oh yea, lilian stayed the night!
- wednesday 18: hospital attachment at nuh today! finally got introduced to prof hui, i must say he's one of the coolest doctors around! always joking and super friendly, it's a myth that one has to be stern and serious to get to the top! well, maybe diff people see it differently. witnessed an actual operation where prof hui corrected this girl's bow-leggedness which was due to some illness. whoa the way he used the hammer to knock against the bone was like hammering a nail into the wall! looks damn pain! halfway through the operation, the unthinkable happened: the patient MOVED! like WHOA. how did she move? that was freaky man! what if she woke up and found herself on the operating table! i bet she would have fainted right back! hahaha.
there's us in our scrubs! after that, i met up with jinjing and the rest to bid goodbye to her before she flies off to china and never comes back.:( had a food feste cos jj wanted to try all the food one last time. i'll miss her. terribly.
- thursday 19: painted lilian's room today! well, ok so we only painted one coat on one wall only but we still painted! after all the procrustination we finally did it! :) it looks nice! memoirs of a geisha next. well, i think the film didn't live up to all the hype around it. i hated the mesh of accents! there was chinese accented english (gong li), american accented (pumpkin), and even singaporean accented (micheal yeoh)! yuck! ahd zhang ziyi, oh no, it's zhyi zshangggg had this weird weird english throughout the entire film! but she did look real pretty in some shots. micheal yeoh just looked out of place in a role that required a japanese look, one which she obviously lacked, so much so that i'm still wondering why she was casted in it. the guys were also not very good looking and soo olddd! why would a young geisha fall for an old man?
hahaa oh and mandy wore the same shirt as me, from topshop, just a diff colour! so cool!
- friday 20: a day of rest finally, well at least for the morning and afternoon. in the evening i went for the sia talentime! it was funfunfun and the cabin crew really has TALENT! amazing how each contestant that came out could sing, and sing really well at that! they should all go and join singapore idol!
i realised just how enjoyable it is in cabin crew. everyone there's a loud and friendly kind; it's in their nature to interact and have fun. they just embrace you with their openness and kindness; i'm still overwhelmed. maybe i should join sia if i don't make it as a doctor. HAHAH i make the height limit anyway! haha i can't wait for the next sia event. t2 has promised to invite me along!
ok. two more days till i fly off to london! can't wait! i must pack everything properly tmr and familiarise myself with mau's laptop. note to self: must rmb to pack in charger for cam and mp3 player!!! seeya!
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