Friday, January 27, 2006
it's freezing here. literally. ponds have frozen and ducks have flown to warmer places. london was busybusybusy! i managed to cram so many things into a few days. i feel proud of myself. :) haha. ok there were westminster abbey, buckingham palace with the changing of guards, ucl, imperial, oxford street, london eye, big ben, downing street, harrods etcetc. well i'm not done with london as yet, so i'll be going back again for another 3 days escapade in the heart of england. it's exciting really. people are not as friendly as i thought they would be: when we just arrived and took the tube to our hotel, we got lost and stopped in the passageway for a few seconds and got shouted at in return. wonderful welcome eh? hotel staff were also not up to par; the concierge were either sleepy or hostile. owell. at least the reception was friendly, guess it's all up to the individual. there were the exceptions definitely: this cool underground guard was so helpful when we were stranded at oxford circus tube station for awhile, he paged for bird over the intercom at the station! HAHA. paging for elizabeth cheong! and the silly girl didn't even know that her name was being broadcast to the whole station!
highlights of london so far would have to be the football game and les miserables. i went to watch the carling cup semifinals between arsenal and wigan at highbury!!! oh goshhh, it was amazing! :) live football at HIGHBURY! haha even though i'm not a fan of arsenal, it was such an experience! everytime the ball got anywhere near wigan'g goalmouth, the whole highbury got to their feet and you could hear the sounds of 30000 chairs moving! haha throughout the whole match, i would believe i stood up and sat down a total of 100 times or more! exercising together with the football players... oh and arsenal sent out their first team! whoa, i saw henry in his first carling cup match in 6 years! how cool is that? pires was there, so was van persie, campbell, hleb, bergkamp, the works! ahh the atmosphere was unbelievable! i love it to bits... i must watch another one if i come here to study. watch many more in fact, not just one more. hahaa. ok now for the bad news, the stupid underground line to my hotel had to breakdown on the night of my football game. so we were left stranded in the middle of nowhere and were forced to walk until the crowd dispersed in the freaking cold. imagine: 30000 people walking down the same street to the same end point, which was the next nearest tube station. all strolling at the same pace, not by will cos if u are slow, u get pushed by the people behind you. people were talking, shouting, walking, shoving. we got kinda desperate after awhile cos we were totally lost and heading to god-knows-where until we met this cool british guy, who teaches scubadiving in thailand no less, and he single-handedly led us to the correct bus-stop and directed us to where we wanted to go to. ahh, he was so nice to talk to too! was talking to him the whole time we were walking to the bus-stop, but mostly cos it was cold and i talk to keep warm. haha joking.
ok enough after football, oh wigan lost the game but "won" in the end, surprisingly. the silence after the last minute goal was scary. i half expected a scuffle to break out. ok now les miserable. yep my first london musical! it was wonderful although i had to keep asking mummy what was going on cos i couldn't really catch some of the words in the song. haha
now i'm in cambridge! pembroke is a gem!! i am now dead set on coming here next semester! met with herman, audry and a few other ex rj pple. they seem to all be settled in real well. it's exciting! ooh, everybody should come to cambridge cos it's really medieval and u get to be in awe of all the majestic castles and chapels and what-nots. it's a typical english university town, well it's the most authentic university medieval town, even compared to oxford which is a little more commercialised. so it most definitely has its charm. i love it here! i went for one of audry's medicine supervisions and they way she sprouted medical terms like they were the alphabet was well, not surprising (she's the president's scholar after all), but still scary! eee that means i'll have to work towards becoming a medical dicitonary before i even enrol for classes at cambridge! dieee. haha i'm going for one of churchill's formal dinners later tonight. dunno what i'll be wearing though, but apparantly i have to wear a gown of some sort. not prom dress kinda gown but university-type of graduation gown or something like that. hmm. i have to take a picture of that haha, should be fun!
alright i'm done for now. going to europe soon in the next few days. not before i head back to london first though. i'll update soon! (i hope)
Friday, January 20, 2006
- sunday 15: met up with peishan that silly little girl who's still as enthu about orientation and oteam as ever! it's already been 2 weeks and she's still retained all that hyperness. haha heard lots of funny antics and all that was happening back at rjc. sigh i miss school! :( was supposed to meet her friends after but i had to go for dinner with my parents.
- monday 16: today was shopping for winter clothing day. followed daddy and mummy to some ulu shop at some weird factory place to try out some winter wear. i think i look horrid in hats! scarves are ok! haha. saw a beautiful sweater and was super reluctant to put it back onto the shelf cos i have too many already. and i finally found the black stockings!! yes it comes with the sock too! it's kinda like a leotard bottom, quite cool and very warm! hahaha i just realised how contradictory the previous sentence sounded. then accompanied pers to buy his office wear for his formal presentation. that silly boy is more fussy than i am! i guess it runs in the genes. haha. spent almost 3 hours shopping for him, and throuhgout i tried getting daddy to try on several leather jackets and scarves. hahah.. he actually looked quite smart!
- tuesday 17: went to lilian's house to help her clear out her closet. well knowing us, all we did was sit down in front of the tv and watch fifty first dates with her aunty! our will-power is nonexistant haha. we went to play badminton with pers after that at the changi beach club with k2 and t2. worked out at the gym too! it was our first time really exercising since our last pe lesson, which was, horror of horror, almost half a year ago! whoa, i am totally unfit! now i'm still aching from all the sit-ups and dunno what else i was doing. looks like i need more exercise. oh yea, lilian stayed the night!
- wednesday 18: hospital attachment at nuh today! finally got introduced to prof hui, i must say he's one of the coolest doctors around! always joking and super friendly, it's a myth that one has to be stern and serious to get to the top! well, maybe diff people see it differently. witnessed an actual operation where prof hui corrected this girl's bow-leggedness which was due to some illness. whoa the way he used the hammer to knock against the bone was like hammering a nail into the wall! looks damn pain! halfway through the operation, the unthinkable happened: the patient MOVED! like WHOA. how did she move? that was freaky man! what if she woke up and found herself on the operating table! i bet she would have fainted right back! hahaha.
there's us in our scrubs! after that, i met up with jinjing and the rest to bid goodbye to her before she flies off to china and never comes back.:( had a food feste cos jj wanted to try all the food one last time. i'll miss her. terribly.
- thursday 19: painted lilian's room today! well, ok so we only painted one coat on one wall only but we still painted! after all the procrustination we finally did it! :) it looks nice! memoirs of a geisha next. well, i think the film didn't live up to all the hype around it. i hated the mesh of accents! there was chinese accented english (gong li), american accented (pumpkin), and even singaporean accented (micheal yeoh)! yuck! ahd zhang ziyi, oh no, it's zhyi zshangggg had this weird weird english throughout the entire film! but she did look real pretty in some shots. micheal yeoh just looked out of place in a role that required a japanese look, one which she obviously lacked, so much so that i'm still wondering why she was casted in it. the guys were also not very good looking and soo olddd! why would a young geisha fall for an old man?
hahaa oh and mandy wore the same shirt as me, from topshop, just a diff colour! so cool!
- friday 20: a day of rest finally, well at least for the morning and afternoon. in the evening i went for the sia talentime! it was funfunfun and the cabin crew really has TALENT! amazing how each contestant that came out could sing, and sing really well at that! they should all go and join singapore idol!
i realised just how enjoyable it is in cabin crew. everyone there's a loud and friendly kind; it's in their nature to interact and have fun. they just embrace you with their openness and kindness; i'm still overwhelmed. maybe i should join sia if i don't make it as a doctor. HAHAH i make the height limit anyway! haha i can't wait for the next sia event. t2 has promised to invite me along!
ok. two more days till i fly off to london! can't wait! i must pack everything properly tmr and familiarise myself with mau's laptop. note to self: must rmb to pack in charger for cam and mp3 player!!! seeya!
Saturday, January 14, 2006

ok i'm too lazy to download the collage photomix software so i have to deal with the single pictures for now at least.

alright! that ends one madcap day!
haha i'm talking to peishan now and it seems that i have unwittingly set rj ablaze with the energizer bunny of all energiser bunnies! haha she's on fire i tell you! setting trends, creating THE og of the year etc. gosh i can't wait to see her tmr, even though i'm sick. :)
ahh these few days i've been meeting up with people that i don't usually meet up with. it's nice having the time to catch up and actually find out that you can click with these people. it might be surprising how many similar interests you have or how alike in personality you are. sometimes alone-time with people might even dispel any myths or preconceived notions that you might have about them before. well, i'm glad i'm so free now to hang out with friends. there might not be such freedom soon :( and ymw, i've decided that you have a pretty funky dad! heh hope you didn't have weird nightmares about purple shoes and coloured hats! :) oh and you're right, there is no fight between imperial and cambridge! cost-wise, location-wise, friends-wise. ;)
someone said to me the other day about belonging to certain groups of people: getting invited to join a group outing or doing group activities together etc. well, to me, group activities can be fun (well most of the time they are) because you have this chance to divert your attention from one person to another, and there'll always be commotions and conversations to join in due simply to the mass of people and their thoughts. you'll never be bored in a group that's a fact. (but if u do, then i have to say that's a sad sad group..) but sometimes i prefer to hang out just with one person - it's amazing how much you can understand a person if your attention is focussed on just that one person the entire time. things u never knew about her will surface and vice versa. well, i suppose everyone has their opinion on that. so i shall just stop here.
on a lighter note. it didn't rain yesterday!!! haha i was prepared to brave the cold and went out wearing long pants and three-quart sleeves plus a jacket in my bag, expecting it to rain. but it didn't!! whoaaa. it must be a record or something: first sunny day in the week! so far today has been excellent. sunny yet cooling: perfect for an outing to botanical gardens! (sy! we don't have to change venue already!) going for a 403 outing later! i haven't seen all them poeple for ages! skipped the last dinner with mdm yeo cos i had to prepare for an early flight to hongkong. yay! i love my sec 4 class! :D
Thursday, January 12, 2006
alrightt photos! i dun feel like writing lots today:
went back to rj awhile back to crash orienatation 06. and we did a good job posing as gullible little j1s. check out the high belts! it was fun, met up with a whole lot of people there. it was more like a j3 gathering at the council room area than a games station for the j1s! haha. we were making so much noise there i think they wanted to shut us up. anyway, saw sandra too! hope she goes to london too! (and skip one whole week of school!)
yesterday i went over to lil's house to help her clean out her room! and all we managed to do is to clean out one of her DRAWERS! sheesh, well that was all the rubbish we threw away. but quite efficient for an hour's work. i think we just spent one hour cleaning and the rest just lazing around watching tv and stoning! haha the morning show are actually surprisingly nice! i love the home-decor and home makeover shows! debbie travis is one bossy lady; complaining and getting in the way of her otherwise talented crew, but that's what makes the show interesting! haha well her sketches are cool (i shall give her credit where it's due, of course that is after assuming that she did the sketches of the final products!)
went out with bird yest. was supposed to discuss our london shopping trip but all we did was to decide where we wanted to go to shop. soho, oxford street, go and watch a theatre at covent gardens... ooh i can't wait for london!!
ok i have to go cook my pasta now. lunch awaits!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
long lost blog!
after reading the last entry, did it every occur to you that i might never blog again? well, sometimes online confessions really do work. heh. (maybe only in this case) well, since i'm dying from boredom at home nowadays, i think i shall revive my blog. goodie!
well a lot has happened in the past 6 months:
- i have finally gotten over the dreaded As (now fretting over the results :( )
- watched tons of movies, even after watching helplessly as the price of a ticket bloated from 7 plus to a 9.50 on weekends! that is something! considering it all happened in the space of a few months! moneysuckers!!!
- finished official schooling, sad to say.
- completed all the uni apps. i officially hate essays now.
- went to hongkong and malaysia in the midst of all the applications
- received the customary christmas presents
- took my btt (and passedthank goodness!)
- watched the new year whiz by with all the festivities and celebrations which are oh so overrated
- met up with various friends, all darling people whom i've never really had the time to see cos of exams
- went back to school to crash orientation!! love my little selffars. they're all grown up and enjoying themselves! orientation was hyper. i was really mistooken for a j1, which is a sad thing even though i planned on crashing as one cos then that just means i look immature. hmmm.
- got my offer letter from CAMBRIDGE!!! goshgoshgosh! 3 softballers! i am so excited i can't wait to go hope my dad will let me go please let me go!!! it'll be so much fun~ ahh just thinking about it makes me happy :)
- saw off the guys to bmt. it's bye world, hello botakhood! for them
- just saw mau before he went back in to tekong. poor guy has trouble lifting up his arms! since when was physical over-exertion allowed? seriously, why do they go to all the trouble to torture those poor little recruits! ahh i really hope they're all doing fine in there.
there, a brief summary of my past 6 months!
sigh nowadays i'm just rotting and wasting my time away at home, moping around and feeling utterly bored. i can't find work cos no employer in the right frame of mind will employ a worker for 2 weeks and give her a 3 week break after that. so much for better working conditions! haha. so now i'm busying myself with planning my trip. i'm going to plan down to the very details: where we're going for our day 2 supper in London, which piece to see at Madam Tussauds. it's not like i'll follow my plan to the letter but it'll definitely help. ahh how i wish i can start my hospital attachment now! everyone at hospital attachment seems to be enjoying themselves watching operations, laser treatments, the works! sigh one more month!
oh yea and people who want souvenirs, tell me asap! haha and that's if u can find this blog in the first place. heh
ok next time!