Friday, February 08, 2008

wake me up..

when the accusations end. i hate this ambiguity.

but i won't let it spoil my otherwise top-of-the-world mood today, stemming from the fun that was funkyard II last night. like ben said, our bop thrashes theirs hands down man! maybe that's why we were feeling so damn good about ourselves the whole night, checking our watches and comparing the crowd size at regular time intervals to HSM, compounding on our proud belief that we're the best committee. ever. the crowd was literally cumsa-esque; nic and i were the only people who knew how to follow instructions to wear RED. it's chinese new year after all!

you're simply the best, better than all the rest.

we have found our song. oh definitely. :)

good mood was potentiated by firstly, FREE POPCORN along the way to lectures. good timing cos i was absolutely starving. breakfastless mornings and i just don't go hand in hand. secondly, FIRE ALARM at lectures after about approximately 7 minutes meant we had an extra hour of our weekend! i am so happy.

here's a funny quip from prof. stanley: "i hate mobile phones. i can go berserk and invoke physical injury if any phone goes off. please turn them to vibration mode, even if it's just for the cheap thrill".

i was laughing so hard.

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