Saturday, May 05, 2007

johns formal swap.. again.

this is the pembroke medic crew yesterday at johns. a girls' night out...
theo the john's boy.. with kat and alasdire from magdalene. across the table, talk was about how people wake up in awe everyday in cambridge, and that makes them work. or does it? and of course, when u put a pembroke medic together with some madgalene medics, who else do we end up talking about but cecilia? haha dear cecilia. i have found one of the 2 medics whose supervision i'm crashing on thursday!
these 3 girls are obviously disillusioned. they think they are having an intellectual DR conversation.

ahh these formal swaps... johns is normally one of the better places to go visit. the food last night was fantastic! smoked salmon for starters, chicken with mushrooms, spinach and gnocchi for entree and icecream!! all for 3.85 pounds.. i was in heaven.

yes, and up on the schedule tonight: medics/vets dinner. it will be carnage. be warned.

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