Monday, December 04, 2006


back in singapore already! the flight back wasn't exactly fun alone though.. had several um.. let's call it obstacles:

excess luggage! my god i had to PAY for it. first time i had to whip out my credit card.. my dad called it a lesson to be learnt: never ever pack too much again. think of the 200 or so dollars wasted on a pack of notes and books i brought back to mug with. such a nerd i know.

body check: they RANDOMLY chose me. the officer just turned around and pointed at me. at that point i was thinking, ok well at least they didn't have to check my bag cos i had so much trouble packing it. it was totally stuffed! so i took off my shoes, belt and jacket to be scanned by this huge machine. once they found i'm metalless, they let me go, but not before asking me to walk around in the airport for awhile barefoot.

now this is the hilarious part: check for EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL in my hand luggage. do i look like a crazed criminal ready to bomb the airport anytime? do i really?? i'm an innocent looking asian female student! the most innocent class of passenger i have to say, after the old frail lady that needs help walking that is. this after the body check as well! the first time i had to succumb to these security measures at any airport in the world. i found it totally ridiculous. although the security officers were nice enough to console me that it was all a technical thing and they didn't have any part in singling me out.

sigh I'M MISSING CAMBRIDGE ALREADY! after 3 hours of touching down here. how am i going to last 6 weeks! friends, please ask me out soon and console me. all the NUS pple are still having exams until friday, which means i'll be moping around for a week. owell, back to a familiar rhythm.. it shouldn't be too hard.

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