our fab netball team that forfeited our semifinals to go shopping instead at nottingham. clare's hall was amazing. nice and cosy... although i still prefer pembroke's :) i love it cos it's just so pretty!
and i have to post a picture of the wonderful pembroke women's 2nd novice boat!! we are so coooooll!

this was for emma sprints last sunday! we went as the universe.. (u can obviousssssllly tell from our costumes haha!) and if we didn't have to race with guys, we would have won the whole thing!! hehheh.. that's according to livy. the picture on the right was like our 6th time trying to get a photo in the air, jumping in our socks on pebbly ground while waiting for emma sprints to start! we basically had 2 options: wait and freeze and the boat OR get out of the boat and do star jumps. u can definitely see which one we chose.
i had a dissection table outing today.. casino royale was quite a good show, except that it was a blatant Sony advertisement. i swear they were paid truckloads by Sony to showcase sony erikson and the viao like fiftyyyy times throughout the movie! and the christmas lights were up! i finally got to see them on our walk to the cinema... nothing compared to orchard road though. before the show, we met at king's... the king's bar is so coool they have all these cushiony cubical seats that u find in restaurants AND they are the only college to have a coffeeshop in college! i think i'll miss my dissection sessions cos they're all so nice people. plus the recent dissection sessions are so productive cos we actually managed to find every single vein/artery/muscle/gland that we were supposed to and that is definitely satisfying! i think i'll grow to love the brachial plexus... the only thing is that the smell is starting to get bad and my eyes start to tear when i go too close. but still.... they're small inconveniences.
we've just got given a whole long list of holiday homework for HOM. it's not going to be an actual holiday at all! bahhh. i've got to sleep now, long day ahead. talking about homework's got me all sleepy for some reason.
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