look what we got via email from our LBCs:
SECOND BOAT: You raced in 12:31 - damn hot girls. This places you 23rd out of ALL 65 women's boats, which is AWESOME. And, you came FOURTH out of all the second boats!!! That was fourth by only 28 seconds as well! So the same result as the first girls, brilliant! To come fourth is amazing anyway, but you also managed to beat 12 first boats!!!! OH MY GOD YOU ARE AMAZING.
i thought Fairbairns would be a killer, but it was actually FUN! and shorter than I'd expected. that means that we could have pushed harder and got a faster timing!! but i'm still really pleased with ours!! 4th out of all the second boats on the river! how cool is that? :) haha!
this week has been wonderful... i love it when we're the only people in the world that's celebrating christmas a month early just cos we're in university that closes for the holidays and we don't want to miss out on all the christmas fun. the whole week's been christmas week and i enjoyed it tremendously... busybusybusy going for everything:
monday: carol service in the pembroke chapel. the choir was absolutely amazinggg! i've never heard anyone i know sing sooooo well before! and that guy's solo piece was stunning. exactly like a professional opera's voice!! omg i can't even describe it properly... mince pies after in the old library as well.. heavenly.
tuesday: busybusybusiest day of the week: had preparing for patients where we went to visit an old lady in her home and got lots of chocolates and coffee AND a stuffed toy in return! i hope i'm as contented as her when i'm her age. it's so heart-warming. did erggggggs after rushing back in a 10 min sprint on the bike after which my legs were dead tired alr. so u can imagine how i fared on the ergs. died, showered, then went for christmas formal!!!

that's in hall for formal. i think i'll miss formals when i go home. it's always good fun! PCMS concert after where we went to learn how to be a little more cultured. the choir as usual was wonderful and i finally got to see lydia play! she's awesomeeee.. i don't understand how everybody can be so talented! went to cindies after for christmas cheese night. FUNFUNFUN! i actually am beginning to enjoy it all now.. perfect timing since i'm going home in 2 day's time.
wednesday: had pasta push for 2nd women's boat. we had our printed tees given to us by santa maggie and ellie! my first bit of stash!!! and it has my name on it as well! :) i love it to bits. pantomine in the hall after. it's kinda like this parady of a fairy tale, in this case peter PEM. hahaha.. they forgot all their lines so it turned out to be kind of impromptu but it was hilarious! traditionally the dean takes part and we all sing angels by robbie williams with the lyrics changed: i think i'm loving pembroke instead!!!!!
thursday today!: fairbairns fairbairns! it's funny cos that is my friend's surname! and she doesn't row too. we DOMINATED as ellie would put it. sitting tall and proud, showing the rest of the river what the pembroke women are made of. we nearly caught up with the boat in front of us and as the email showed, we're all damn proud of ourselves!!