Tuesday, October 24, 2006

a quick update...

17 October: CUMSA Fresher's Formal was nice. :) so far CUMSA has been such a comforting relief from the hustle and bustle of uni life.. u see people that are your close friends and so u feel like u belong somewhere..

18 October: the first rowing formal swap of the year with the Queens' novice men's team. that was pretty exciting as well.. got pennied tons of times and ended up at the JP talking about god (for some weird reason) and bobbing in a circle for no reason whatsoever. hahaha!

19 October: rowing continues.. had to have lunch on the way to the boathouse and when i got there, there was no cox and no coach! we had to have an ergs training and not go out onto the river. pissifyingg. but it all turned out well in the end i suppose..

21-22 October: OXBRIDGE GAMES!!! we thrashed oxford 18-0 in netball! (Whoohoo!) but lost at all the other games. (because i wasn't playing in those :) ) it was so nice seeing all my friends at oxford (debra, kevin, ajay, ruimin...) and made some new ones too. the rooms at oxford are hugeeee! well, maybe cos it's a double room, but they had a couch and coffee table in theirs with separate bedrooms and all... at the same price as mine too! there wasn't enough time for shopping though..

and todayyy i stayed up all night (and morning) and FINISHED MY HOM ESSAY! yesssssssss. my will power is back! tmr i shall read my dissection notes and look like a pro in the DR. hehhehheh... i wish. not with all these smart alects in cambridge though...

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