it's also national day eve today. that being so, the highlight of the day has to be the fireworks display at esplanade:

then it became this...

and finally....

then there were the 5 of us who all managed to squeeze into one pic thanks to yours truly :)

we tried to go k-boxing after that but totally baulked at the horrigible price! qiao zha! just because it's nat day eve, they think by putting up a nat day eve special of nearly 10 bucks more than usual, they can con poor little souls into giving up their hard-earned money!! in your dreams!
so we went a-searching for a cheaper alternative and ended up pulling down chairs, sitting and having impromptu singing lessons from caroline. HAHA. the things that we put ourselves to! up and down the scale we went, cromatics even! and confirmed the tone deafness of one amongst us...
ahhh i'll miss these goondus to bits! luckily caroline's going with me so i'll see her more often.
so k-boxing tmr! at the cheap cheap katong place. 30 bucks for 3 hours. and it's per room, not per head! how wonderful... on a public holiday even!
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