i'm back at the office again. last week i only worked one day cos it was one hectic week! it's good in a way cos i've gotten so much done in the week, but also because it was too busy, it felt like it went by in a whizzz. now i can't seem to remember much of it :(
mandy has officially left our little island. :( i've been moaning about it since forever, but now she's gone away (and won't be coming back until may next year), it hasn't really sunk in yet. maybe in a few days when i wanna ask someone out to watch a movie or go hang out and i realise that there is no one left... maybe when i see her online and suddenly realise i can't pick up my phone and call her anymore... maybe then, it will get to me.
on another note, i am fully immunised to start my communal life overseas! wahahaha.. and today i felt extra happy in clinic cos it's kinda like a return to the confortable norm that i was used to before this mad rush to get things done. plus clinic today was as slack as it could ever get... long periods of waiting time in between patients.. ahh that's the kind of life i will get over in the uk i suppose. or even better!
bought lots of stuff from one shop yesterday too. now i have a wardrobe full of black and white. :S maybe not so good, but at that time it all looked so pretty and i couldn't decide which to get. my mum decided to be nice to me yesterday cos i complimented her (haha!) and so now i've got everything! haiz.. now i'm kinda regretting the spending spree. not that the clothes are not nice though...
haha i apologise for this utterly random post about weird and non-related stuff. my brain's on autopilot mode and what comes to my mind goes straight onto the screen. i'm still deciding whether or not i should go for dance lesson later. hmmm. feeling sooo lazy. stooops la.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
tmr we meet again before one of us leaves... and again we come to a point in time when we have to say farewell to yet another close friend.
every time one leaves, i feel that my time left is getting less and less. this time, it's going to be a big blow cos it's
every time one leaves, i feel that my time left is getting less and less. this time, it's going to be a big blow cos it's
my other half of DD. companion during the time when no other could accompany me. my mugging friend. one-sixth of munchkins. fellow horrible tennis player (we really need lessons!). screamer at k-box sessions. maestro in providing side-splittingly hilarious midnight msn convos. my great friend. :)
aiyoh die i will be so so lonely come saturday. mandy! must rmb to have our skype/webcam convos v v often ok? and all you nus people! stop mugging and accompany me!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
EPL HAS STARTED!!! after a month and a half of longing and waiting.. it's finally HERE!! :) yay to all those who follow football. speaking of which, i should be utterly embarrassed with myself after i fell asleep watching the arsenal match. :S too tired la, plus the match wasn't highly exciting. anddd... after their ego-bashing draw with villa, prof still has the heart to wear the arsenal jersey out today for lunch! there's one die-hard fan for you.
on another note, i have recently discovered rockstar supernova. why am i still watching singapore idol?!? hahha. those rockers really have talent! not like the barely-passable singing in idol that we try to convince ourselves is real talent.. we are so so delusioned.
and helllllooooooo lilian!!!!! thanks for reviving my tagboard! :) it's been too quiet lately. i love u loads :) we should go out real soon!
on another note, i have recently discovered rockstar supernova. why am i still watching singapore idol?!? hahha. those rockers really have talent! not like the barely-passable singing in idol that we try to convince ourselves is real talent.. we are so so delusioned.
and helllllooooooo lilian!!!!! thanks for reviving my tagboard! :) it's been too quiet lately. i love u loads :) we should go out real soon!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
the last few hectic days..
i'm feeling really tired right now, dying under the sweltering heat of the afternoon, fresh from a full day of crashing nus business lectures and hanging out with nus-going friends. thank god i work in nuh! :)
ok so here's a recap of what happened this busy week...
sunday we sent sherry off to faraway oklahoma to study dance. well it's the first departure from our class and it's really a shock that we are finally starting to embark on our uni adventure... separated and alone (in sherry's case that is). it was rather weird and quiet at the airport but we didn't have any experience whatsoever so please don't blame us. ayee.
monday i crashed the first medicine lecture of the year. bad choice. it was sooo boring, maybe because it was introductory lecture.. but still. b o r i n g. lilian was drifting in and out of sleep! but it was fun meeting up with the medics from so3e again. they all seem rather surprised that term has officially started too! haha. in the evening mandy and i attempted to play tennis. attemped is the word cos both of us are superduper lousy at tennis and all we managed to do was to hit real soft shots at each other at the net so that we could get a few shots going. haiya. we must jiayou! and play again before she leaves!
tuesday was a normal working day. it was suddenly back to routine, when somehow it didn't seem so much of a routine cos i missed so many days of work already this week. tuesday was my only full day. haha. poor prof. went for dance lesson number 2 in the evening. and now my thighs hurt with all the squatting and jumping back and front. but luckily for tee and jy, we learnt the dance blast audition dance! so now they can go to audition and pretend they're realllly pro! hahha i think they'll kill me for that. :)
wednesday we had lunch with bonnie at dingtaifeng. we = caroline, mandy, yunqin, bonnie and me. it was supposed to start at 12, but our dear organiser of the lunch mandyyap strolled in at 1! so that's the reason for our xiaolongbao treat. 2 per person too! hahaha. this teaches you never ever to be so obscenely late. tsktsk. watched sophie scholl too. mandy says it right out from the history text in secondary school. i didn't take history so i wouldn't know. hahha. it was a very quiet film. full of commentary and interrogation. but it showed how biased and inhumane the german soldiers/government were during the nazi occupation. it's a good educational show i must say.
thursday which is today! :) i'm back at prof's after a morning and slightly more than half the afternoon at nus. went for tee's marketing lecture and I TOOK NOTES! hahha. in tee's words: "so i wouldn't fall asleep". hahha very true. but it was kinda interesting. so different from out normal science lectures back at rj. the pple were also so totally different. then we crashed in lilian's little puny hall room for a bit before i made my way here.
and now here i am. all alone and relieved for the reprieve from all the hustle and bustle that was the last few days. ahhhh...
ok so here's a recap of what happened this busy week...
sunday we sent sherry off to faraway oklahoma to study dance. well it's the first departure from our class and it's really a shock that we are finally starting to embark on our uni adventure... separated and alone (in sherry's case that is). it was rather weird and quiet at the airport but we didn't have any experience whatsoever so please don't blame us. ayee.
monday i crashed the first medicine lecture of the year. bad choice. it was sooo boring, maybe because it was introductory lecture.. but still. b o r i n g. lilian was drifting in and out of sleep! but it was fun meeting up with the medics from so3e again. they all seem rather surprised that term has officially started too! haha. in the evening mandy and i attempted to play tennis. attemped is the word cos both of us are superduper lousy at tennis and all we managed to do was to hit real soft shots at each other at the net so that we could get a few shots going. haiya. we must jiayou! and play again before she leaves!
tuesday was a normal working day. it was suddenly back to routine, when somehow it didn't seem so much of a routine cos i missed so many days of work already this week. tuesday was my only full day. haha. poor prof. went for dance lesson number 2 in the evening. and now my thighs hurt with all the squatting and jumping back and front. but luckily for tee and jy, we learnt the dance blast audition dance! so now they can go to audition and pretend they're realllly pro! hahha i think they'll kill me for that. :)
wednesday we had lunch with bonnie at dingtaifeng. we = caroline, mandy, yunqin, bonnie and me. it was supposed to start at 12, but our dear organiser of the lunch mandyyap strolled in at 1! so that's the reason for our xiaolongbao treat. 2 per person too! hahaha. this teaches you never ever to be so obscenely late. tsktsk. watched sophie scholl too. mandy says it right out from the history text in secondary school. i didn't take history so i wouldn't know. hahha. it was a very quiet film. full of commentary and interrogation. but it showed how biased and inhumane the german soldiers/government were during the nazi occupation. it's a good educational show i must say.
thursday which is today! :) i'm back at prof's after a morning and slightly more than half the afternoon at nus. went for tee's marketing lecture and I TOOK NOTES! hahha. in tee's words: "so i wouldn't fall asleep". hahha very true. but it was kinda interesting. so different from out normal science lectures back at rj. the pple were also so totally different. then we crashed in lilian's little puny hall room for a bit before i made my way here.
and now here i am. all alone and relieved for the reprieve from all the hustle and bustle that was the last few days. ahhhh...
Sunday, August 13, 2006
nus rag day yest. a day full of shoving and elbowing to get the best spot to catch the performances... which were quite amazing for 2 weeks of preperation. especially those hall floats! they can actually MOVE, emit steam, turn, what not.. and oh my, were they elaborate!!
and here are my wonderful friends who danced/built floats:
... well it seems as though blogger doesn't wanna upload photos today... so another time then.
ahh i finallly got to see my dear little lilian! after so many days of her being abducted into hall dance and getting her sleep cycle all screwed up. gosh she didn't even sleep the night before rag day cos of full-dress rehearsal! haven't they ever heard of the advantages of having a well-rested team for the real event?
after rag day there was the formality of the cambridge tea party, where we were supposed to be meeting with fellow freshers and seniors. well, that went well enough, better than expected actually. cos i finally found someone who is confirmed going to be the ONLY other singaporean in my batch at pembroke! whoopiedoop! the seniors were nice, i got recruited into all the sports events, drank lots of something that tasted like bandung without milk, and learnt that there will be tv rooms where i'll get my weekly dose of EPL! :) this seems promising. the only bad thing is that the food at my college is relatively ex for the quality served. welll. thankfully i am bringing my ever-trusty ready-mixed pastes!!! hainanese chicken rice, bak kut teh, soups of all kind, sweet sour pork/chicken! hahha. i'm all set!
and here are my wonderful friends who danced/built floats:
... well it seems as though blogger doesn't wanna upload photos today... so another time then.
ahh i finallly got to see my dear little lilian! after so many days of her being abducted into hall dance and getting her sleep cycle all screwed up. gosh she didn't even sleep the night before rag day cos of full-dress rehearsal! haven't they ever heard of the advantages of having a well-rested team for the real event?
after rag day there was the formality of the cambridge tea party, where we were supposed to be meeting with fellow freshers and seniors. well, that went well enough, better than expected actually. cos i finally found someone who is confirmed going to be the ONLY other singaporean in my batch at pembroke! whoopiedoop! the seniors were nice, i got recruited into all the sports events, drank lots of something that tasted like bandung without milk, and learnt that there will be tv rooms where i'll get my weekly dose of EPL! :) this seems promising. the only bad thing is that the food at my college is relatively ex for the quality served. welll. thankfully i am bringing my ever-trusty ready-mixed pastes!!! hainanese chicken rice, bak kut teh, soups of all kind, sweet sour pork/chicken! hahha. i'm all set!
Friday, August 11, 2006
happy birthday meimei!!! :) many more to come!
oh yes today our dear dr sandeep had his first taste of rambutans:
sandeep: "what is this uuh?"
me: "rambutan la!"
sandeep: "rarrm-bu-tan? how do i eat it?"
me: "cut it open then eat it. here, use this scissors"
So dr sandeep proceeded to cut the ENTIRE fruit into two, splitting the seed cleanly in half. he then proudly showed the 2 perfectly seperated rambutan halves to me and asked: "so HOW do i eat this thing?"
hahhahahah! i could have died laughing!
oh yes today our dear dr sandeep had his first taste of rambutans:
sandeep: "what is this uuh?"
me: "rambutan la!"
sandeep: "rarrm-bu-tan? how do i eat it?"
me: "cut it open then eat it. here, use this scissors"
So dr sandeep proceeded to cut the ENTIRE fruit into two, splitting the seed cleanly in half. he then proudly showed the 2 perfectly seperated rambutan halves to me and asked: "so HOW do i eat this thing?"
hahhahahah! i could have died laughing!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
we had dancing today! our very first lesson :) haha no regrets? maybe just a little cos now my legs hurt... our class was quite pro even though we were in the beginners class. hehheh speaks volumes of our own dancing abilities.. which amounts to zilch. well, that's what dance classes are for!
it's also national day eve today. that being so, the highlight of the day has to be the fireworks display at esplanade:

then it became this...

and finally....

then there were the 5 of us who all managed to squeeze into one pic thanks to yours truly :)

we tried to go k-boxing after that but totally baulked at the horrigible price! qiao zha! just because it's nat day eve, they think by putting up a nat day eve special of nearly 10 bucks more than usual, they can con poor little souls into giving up their hard-earned money!! in your dreams!
so we went a-searching for a cheaper alternative and ended up pulling down chairs, sitting and having impromptu singing lessons from caroline. HAHA. the things that we put ourselves to! up and down the scale we went, cromatics even! and confirmed the tone deafness of one amongst us...
ahhh i'll miss these goondus to bits! luckily caroline's going with me so i'll see her more often.
so k-boxing tmr! at the cheap cheap katong place. 30 bucks for 3 hours. and it's per room, not per head! how wonderful... on a public holiday even!
it's also national day eve today. that being so, the highlight of the day has to be the fireworks display at esplanade:

then it became this...

and finally....

then there were the 5 of us who all managed to squeeze into one pic thanks to yours truly :)

we tried to go k-boxing after that but totally baulked at the horrigible price! qiao zha! just because it's nat day eve, they think by putting up a nat day eve special of nearly 10 bucks more than usual, they can con poor little souls into giving up their hard-earned money!! in your dreams!
so we went a-searching for a cheaper alternative and ended up pulling down chairs, sitting and having impromptu singing lessons from caroline. HAHA. the things that we put ourselves to! up and down the scale we went, cromatics even! and confirmed the tone deafness of one amongst us...
ahhh i'll miss these goondus to bits! luckily caroline's going with me so i'll see her more often.
so k-boxing tmr! at the cheap cheap katong place. 30 bucks for 3 hours. and it's per room, not per head! how wonderful... on a public holiday even!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
a-lalalala life is wonderful
a-lalalala life goes full circle
it takes a thought to make a word
and it takes some words to make an action
and it takes some work to make it work
it takes some good to make it hurt
it takes some bad for satisfaction
it takes some silence to make sound
and it takes a loss before you find it.
puts relativity in perspective, doesn't it?
a-lalalala life goes full circle
it takes a thought to make a word
and it takes some words to make an action
and it takes some work to make it work
it takes some good to make it hurt
it takes some bad for satisfaction
it takes some silence to make sound
and it takes a loss before you find it.
puts relativity in perspective, doesn't it?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
helllo august!
time is moving so fast! it's THE month when the US pple fly far far away to be gone for a long long time!
i think i have come to a decision about the scholarship finally. yes, i think i have made the right choice and i hope everything goes well. it has been tiring talking to so many different people and trying to make sense of all their advise and comments as a whole, but i thank them all the same. it seems as though nothing can lead me from the path of becoming a doctor, definitely not talk that junior doctors get bullied and lead a hard life. i've even heard stories about the 48 hour shifts! but still i stick to my choice. :) my parents should be proud of me, although they will still have to fork out the money to fund my education.
i think i have come to a decision about the scholarship finally. yes, i think i have made the right choice and i hope everything goes well. it has been tiring talking to so many different people and trying to make sense of all their advise and comments as a whole, but i thank them all the same. it seems as though nothing can lead me from the path of becoming a doctor, definitely not talk that junior doctors get bullied and lead a hard life. i've even heard stories about the 48 hour shifts! but still i stick to my choice. :) my parents should be proud of me, although they will still have to fork out the money to fund my education.
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