Monday, November 26, 2007
last week.. finally!
christmas week in cambridge is coming up, with a huge spoiler in the form of a 3-hour-long pathology test to come. :( but after that, it's all good till i reach back to sunny shores in 3 week's time.
since last, i've learnt how to play the hardest song in my repetoire on the guitar: cannonball. all those practising has given me hardened fingertips but it's all worth it. i LOVE playing the guitar and just chilling and relaxing. it also explains why i'm up at this ungodly hour revising. i'm giving myself a goal: in 3 year's time i'm going to be able to play as well as meng. HAHA nic are u listening? motivation enough eh?
updates for all u loyal readers (which i don't suppose will amount to many..)
been to london again for temasek forum and abacus boat party. it felt so good being in an environment where singlish was the main mode of communication: even the VIPs were speaking in singlish! listening in to discussions about singapore policies and news from home just made me feel all the more.. home-y. :) boat party wasn't as good as everyone hyped it up to be, but twas enjoyable all the same..
blogger's being anal and not allowing me to post pictures. rarr :(
Sunday, November 04, 2007
early in the term osca meet up. these people made screaming kids bearable for 6 weeks in hk during the summer.first pembroke bop of the year: night at the movies.
unadventurous as i was, i still managed to crap up some form of costume (battle royale: classic school uniform excuse of a costume).
no points for guessing who chris came as..
i love props!
then came the notorious pembroke medics/vets formal. first of the year where freshers get taken down... and taken down baadd. first and only picture of all the second year medics so far..
the singaporean frenzy catches on real quick.. either that or all of them were wasted.
funkyard: where things got exciting..
A&E night! when everyone thinks medics are way cool and tries to dress up as one, finally realising that there isn't much room for creativity as a medic.
yay for bold pembroke domination of the central podium!
meng, the one night he behaved himself..
well, not quite.. hahaha!
espionage. a night of sultry decadence.
love the black and white photo chan
jish: all the way from oxford! reliving our oxbridge success...
i didn't get what the themed booths were,
from the looks of it, apprantly u just get hats.