a quick update before i fly off tonight into a champagne world set right on my doorstep that is the pembroke may ball...
it's been a week since the last day of hell and i've grown significantly tanner. the sun came out for cumas' garden party, but decided to snub us at cumsa. but i am thankful to say that the rainy season seems to be over now. just in time for mayball.

john's june ent: around the world. made the hugest mistake to join the 2 hour queue for crepes in the rain. i can't complain about the free food and ice lollies though. the dj was fantastic.. i haven't had that much fun for time.. well for 3 days to be exact.

i can't believe jesus had the feeling play for them! and we've got noisettes. female lead singers don't bode very well for me, gwen excluded. bummer. i was hoping for a good band this year. we'll seeee...